Report 2024

Report 2024

Report 2024

Report 2024

How Money Moves in MENA

How Money Moves in MENA

How Money Moves in MENA

How Money Moves in MENA

A comprehensive overview of the cultural, economic and regulatory landscape in the Middle East and North Africa.

A comprehensive overview of the cultural, economic and regulatory landscape in the Middle East and North Africa.

A comprehensive overview of the cultural, economic and regulatory landscape in the Middle East and North Africa.

A comprehensive overview of the cultural, economic and regulatory landscape in the Middle East and North Africa.

MENA is quickly becoming one of the most exciting regions in the world.

$4.43 trillion

tn USD

tn USD

tn USD

Combined GDP in 2022.





of the worlds Oil and Gas still comes from the Middle East.

$134 billion

$134 billion

$134 billion

$134 billion

in outbound remittances in 2021. No. 1 in the world.

The Middle East has seen a remarkable post COVID boom, with their fast growing and inflation resilient economies generating global interest. For decades the region has been defined by its rich oil reserves and dominance in the Oil & Gas supply chain, but today we see a different story emerging - one of diversification with finance and payments at its heart.

As the world looks to MENA with optimism and excitement, this region remains one of the last to be conquered by payment innovation. This report serves to highlight the key information required by global businesses to understand how money moves within these markets, the untapped opportunities that exist, and the cultural considerations required to accelerate their MENA expansion.

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How Money Moves in MENA

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How Money Moves in MENA

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